Languages of the world

The world is rich in languages and its diversity is alive and well. Here we have a selection of films in which unusual languages are spoken. Enjoy listening while watching.

Tumult im Urwald – Crowded Jungle (1998)
Lisa Faessler
On the final journey back from high in the Andes down to the Amazon jungle, the director remains haunted by the film she has just completed about the Huaorani Indians and the anthropologist Laura Rival. A farewell to this alien people, strange and unfathomable, but also to her own people who are no easier to understand – the white helpers, researchers, filmmakers… Destroyers?
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Hyenas (1992)
Djibril Diop Mambéty
In Colobane, people expect the return of Linguère Ramatou, a former local girl now rumored to be richer than the World Bank. But her generosity has its conditions: she offers a check of ten billion for the death of Dramaan Drameh who refused to admit that he was the father of her child 30 years ago. "Life made made me a whore, now I'm turning the world into a brothel" she tells the citizens of Colobane.
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